zaterdag 18 februari 2012

Top 3 sex mistakes women make

It’s 2011 and this is not your mother’s article. Nail appointments, little league, overtime, drive by dinners, and text messaged “I love You’s” make up our lives. We work hard and we want to play even harder, but society and that little voice in our heads reminds us we can’t behave “that way.” 

I’m here to tell you not only can you behave “that” way you will create a healthier life by doing so. You are in a committed relationship and fun seems to elude you and your partner. All the sudden it’s become about homework, dance recitals, daycare, and bills.

When the last good night story is read and the kids are safely tucked in you certainly don’t want to go behind closed doors and make these mistakes with your man.  Read ‘em and release ‘em! 

  •  Worrying What You Look Like
We know men have spent a lifetime imagining their body next to an airbrushed babe and we’ve spent the same amount of time comparing ourselves with the same babes. Ladies, release the comparison. Embrace the fact that he is with you. Stand naked in a full length mirror and remind yourself how naturally beautiful you are.
Focus on what is happening physiologically with your partner. You are the one obsessing on your over inflated ideas about your physicality. In fact if you are enthusiastic and  energized guaranteed he isn’t even thinking!  Trust me he is enjoying how into him you are and not on the jiggle in your thighs, or belly.

  • Not Giving Him Guidance
There was a time when women believed they were not supposed to enjoy sex. It was more obligatory than anything. The man was the lead in life and in bed. Those days are gone!
However, talking about sex can be very intimidating for some women even if they’ve been with their partner for a long time.  One of the benefits of talking about sex is it adds to the sensation of actual event. The open honest communication creates a bond that is strengthened at that special moment.
Ladies, nobody knows our bodies better than we do. Let’s be the G.P.S. (Gathering Pleasure Sensor) for our partners. Let’s lead them on a tour of our scared domain!

Veronica Drake is an International Relationship Coach and Intuitive. She specializes in working with women who are struggling to regain trust after the break up. She helps them access their inner wisdom so that they can create powerful personal relationships.

Veronica’s intuitive abilities are amazingly insightful and accurate. Her intuitive gifts empower her clients to journey deep into self-discovery … and create a deeper connection to their own intuitive voice.

She uses her witty, warm and sassy sense of humor to help clients relax, release and get in touch with what really matters to them.

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